Friday, January 11, 2008

Had a dream about my sister last night. She was supposed to join me and mum at some kind of all night festival on a boat that was moored in the piers on the Parramatta River. But she didn't make it. We returned in the morning and asked her what had happened. Apparently she had fucked some guy there in the household. It was a big place full of all sorts of houseguests. I said jovially "what did you get up to? sluttttt!" But in her own defence she said she had been invited to drink with one of the girls, and had polished off half a bottle of some gawd awful liqueur with a name like vanilla ice or something. I asked her if I could try a taste of it, for some reason, and she lifted up a glass of it and skulled the lot then said "no". I was so flabbergasted I could not speak, but as I woke from the dream and lay in my bed I knew what I wanted to say to her. I wanted to say "you call yourself a Christian but you're not. You're just a totally selfish, slutty pig. Mean. If I have anything I want to share it and most of all I'd like to share it with people in my family, you too if you'd let me. But you don't want any of what I offer and you don't want to offer me a thing." And that, dear friends is one of the delightful family relationships defined right there in a neat little shell. Thank you Mr Unconscious for setting it all straight.


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