Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I wonder why anyone bothers to have kids any more. The world they inherit is going to be cooked to a crisp anyway.
Such beauties as I have seen with my eyes still cannot compare with the beauties I've witnessed at night in dreams.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A warm day, early spring. On such a day, when it's the middle of the week and you have the day off, the most sensible thing to do it would seem is to meander through the city, soak up the smells of the changing season, absorb the noise of the city going about its business and be, just be, only be and always be.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Under the French/Swiss Alps they are putting the finishing touches on the atom smasher, which will begin operating early next year. The purpose of this multi-billion dollar effort is to peer into the origins of the Universe, to see what was happening just moments after the Big Bang. Now I just wonder how they can do that without causing another Big Bang and thus bringing the Universe right back to square one. So if we are still here by the middle of next year, it could mean that they failed in their ambition. But if they succeed and another Big Bang is replicated, is that really the end? Does it mean that the circle just goes back to its origins and the whole of cosmic history just does a re-loop? Only a few billion years worth of time can tell......
The sky is blue, the weather is mild and calm and I'm still alive and free and that's enough for now.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Positive enough for you Darchy? :))

dancing snowbunnies

thredbo rocks

she's mine next time

view from the top, thredbo nsw, australia


lotsa shots

And take another friggin pic dude. What do you think digital cameras were invented for?

get the pole outta my face dude

fun in the sun with trev



misty mountain hop

Friday, August 10, 2007

If you expect justice in this world, you've come to the wrong world.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Nothing quite focuses the mind like a good funeral, except maybe for a bad funeral.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Music is always your friend. Television far less so.
Just take your pills and keep quiet.

Monday, August 06, 2007

I'm sure that an awful lot of the people I come into daily contact with are far happier than I am, floating along as they are on a sea of ignorance.
Everyone is always on the scramble for the high moral ground.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

It's only depressing if you can't cope with it.