Sunday, December 11, 2005

more please

Well I have to say it gets to me sometimes that certain people have been out of reach so long. Need I say who you are? I guess you should know anyway. There's the person I haven't seen for a couple of years who's in London. The other one who is in Brisbane and I haven't seen in a year now, and won't be able to see at Christmas. And there's that other intransigent geezer in Paris who just refuses to come back to the country that gave him a pretty rosy cosy upbringing. Don't know why he complains about this joint so much really, apart from the fact that it's just rooted a lot of the time. As if France is all roses....

Anyway, the point is I miss you buggers and I wish at least one of us would get their act together and get moving.

The party went pretty well. Everything was all lit up with candles, it was cosy. So much work to put a thing like that on, I can tell ya. Was it worth it? Yeah what the hell. It was worth it to get up in the morning to a riot of glasses, empty spirit bottles and uneaten food. If nothing else it was worth it for that bit of variety to break up the usual monotony.


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