Wednesday, January 04, 2006

little more

Back from a late lunch/ early dinner, Long Island iced tea in hand, olives on hand. All is good in the world. I've been thinking about depression, suicide. Actually haven't been particularly suicidal of late, but one always leaves oneself open to all sorts of possibilities. I'm not sure if I've thought of ending it any more or less than the average person, whatever that might be. Certainly there were times when I was so depressed that I couldn't leave my flat for days at a time. I got over it just by lying low, and more recently by popping prescribed pills, which do a pretty effective job of getting you out of the troughs. So don't worry folks, it's all good. I got me pills, me booze, TV, internet, all the things one needs to keep one braindeadly contented enough to keep from doing the ultimate deed.


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